Frisco airs Town Council meetings, along with other programming, on Summit County’s Channel 10. Summit County Television (SCTV) Comcast channels 10, 880 (HD) and 22 were established to provide Summit County residents with a constant connection to the activities and services of their government. These stations are a presentation of the Summit County Telecommunications Consortium (SCTC) which is a group of local government entities which fund this outreach. SCTV channels are designated educational and governmental access Channels, and SCTV’s mission is to provide the citizens of Summit County with pertinent and useful information from their governments.
Town Council thanks outgoing Councilmembers Melissa Sherburne and Dan Fallon in April 2022.
In February 2022, Frisco Town Council honored local non-profit organizations with a video presentation acknowledging the award of a combined total of $80,400 in cash grants and more than $29,806 in in-kind donations to the 2022 grant recipients.