Town Council & Planning Commission Meetings

Town Council Meetings

The Frisco Town Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Agendas and Materials Packets are posted by the Thursday at noon prior to the meeting. Anyone may attend in person or virtually via Zoom, and a livestream is also available on Frisco’s government YouTube Channel. Email the Town Clerk for Town Council meeting access assistance.

Meeting ID: 886 0071 4958
Passcode: 85215
One Tap Mobile: +17193594580,,88600714958# US

Planning Commission Meetings

The Frisco Planning Commission meets the first and third Thursday of each month. Meeting agendas and packets are posted by the Friday before the meeting. All times and dates are subject to change. The public and interested persons may attend in person or virtually via Zoom. A live stream is also available through the Town of Frisco’s Government YouTube Channel.

The Thursday, February 20, 2025, Planning Commission Regular Meeting is cancelled.

Meeting ID:
One Tap Mobile:

Other Town Meetings

How to Access the Meeting Materials Below

  • Scroll down to the meeting date; please note that previous meetings are under “archived meetings” and agendas, packets, and videos from past meetings are accessible there.
  • Click on “HTML Agenda” to see the interactive agenda and packet
  • The three dots next to “HTML Agenda” allow you to access a PDF of the agenda and full meeting packet