Frisco Arts and Culture Council Meeting
- This meeting has passed.
Friday, June 7, 2024|12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Frisco Town Hall
1 East Main Street
United States
Frisco Arts and Culture Council (FACC) Agenda
June 7, 2024 at 12:00pm in Frisco Town Hall in Council Chambers
Zoom link- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83476592091?pwd=UnZIS1BQT0h6UXRiS0hqVE82SGEwdz09
- Roll Call
- Approval of April 26, 2024, Meeting Minutes
- Member updates- 15 minutes
- Todd Altschuler- Community Crawl
- Anyone- Songwriting Workshop Instructors
- Jamie Callahan- Mariachi Band
- Staff updates- 30 minutes
- Project tracker: https://friscoco-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/roseg_townoffrisco_com/EbsULdaIXZNFmhH8-w7bbf4BjHKIF_VImqzzofz6EgHlcQ?e=oCkDoC
- Fourth of July Projects- Stipend, Contest, Art Float
- Movie Night at the Marina
- CDOT Tunnel Mural
- Temporary Summer Murals
- Sound and Lighting Workshops
- Project Discussion- 30 minutes
- Storytellers Series
- Please review the examples below prior to the meeting and come prepared to discuss what you would like to see in a Frisco storytelling series such as format, timeline, people, and topics
- Examples:
- Cincinnati West End Project: https://open.spotify.com/show/7kBHB0fPocXdtX4w86aN39
- History Colorado Co-Authored: https://www.historycolorado.org/coauthored
- Cincinnati Public Library My Stories Podcast Project: https://chpl.org/blogs/post/listen-to-new-limited-series-oral-history-podcast/
- Humans of Summit County series from Krystal 93: https://youtu.be/cPB84Bo6D3E
- StoryCorps: https://storycorps.org/stories/?location=colorado
- 2nd Story: https://www.2ndstory.com/podcast
- Storytellers Series
- Adjourn