Frisco Bay Marina Master Plan

Contact Info

Frisco Town Hall

1 East Main Street
Frisco, CO 80443 United States

Mon - Thurs 8:00am - 5:00pm and Fri 8:00am-12:00pm

Logan Snyder

Marina General Manager

Marina Master Plan

On June 26, 2018, the Frisco Town Council adopted the 2018 Marina Master Plan.   

Why Have a Marina Master Plan?

During the 2015 Town of Frisco Community Survey, 62% of respondents indicated that recreational amenities were the reason they lived in Frisco.The Marina is a major recreational summer destination in Frisco so improving this amenity is important to the whole community.

What Does Frisco Want to Achieve with a Marina Master Plan

As the tourism industry continues to grow in Frisco, the Town of Frisco wants to create physical improvements that will encourage economic growth while preserving the natural beauty of the area – especially the lakefront.

These include:

  • Redesign the Marina office/retail/restroom space.
  • Finalize the “Big Dig” project. The Town of Frisco had a Department of the Army permit valid until summer  2019, for this project, which was named the “Big Dig” because it involved significant excavation of the lake bed to improve navigation and expand recreational facilities at the Frisco Bay Marina. This phase of the Marina Master Plan was completed in late summer 2019.
  • Incorporate the Community Plan. Town of Frisco staff have updated the Frisco Community Plan in 2019. In conjunction with Logan Simpson, they researched areas including parking, restrooms, year-round service and programming opportunities, trails and connectivity, flood plains, etc.

Marina Background

The Marina is located on the shores of the scenic Dillon Reservoir in Frisco, Colorado. The reservoir spans 3,300 acres and boasts 25 miles of shoreline. It is the largest water storage facility for the Denver Water Board, and is responsible for 25% of Denver’s drinking water. Storage capacity is 254,036 acre-ft.

The Town of Frisco leases 7 acres of land from Denver Water for the operation of the Frisco Bay Marina. The Town of Frisco also owns four lots near the Marina totaling 3.26 acres.

Marina Timeline

  • 1988: Lakefront Park Master Plan was adopted by the Town of Frisco. This plan was prepared by the Frisco Lakefront and Marina Commission.
  • 1991: The Frisco Lakefront and Marina Master Plan was prepared by Design Studios West, Inc.
  • 1994: The Town of Frisco entered into a lease agreement with the City and County of Denver whereby the Town was granted the exclusive right to occupy and use certain real property and water surface at the Dillon Reservoir. This lease agreement was renewed in 2013 and is valid until December 31, 2024.
  • 1994 to 2004: a concessionaire business operated the Frisco Bay Marina.
  • 2001: Frisco Bay Marina Master Plan was prepared by Wenk Associates.
  • 2005: The Town of Frisco began operating the Marina and continues to operate the Marina at this time.
  • 2008: Frisco Bay Marina and Waterfront Master Plan was prepared by the Town of Frisco.
  • 2019: The Town of Frisco took on the “Big Dig” project to deepen the bay where the Marina is located to improve navigation and boater experience and extend the boating season. The improvements in 2019 also expanded the beach, improved dock space, and created land where future facilities could be built.
  • 2021: The Town of Frisco made parking and pathway improvements and taking on three construction projects: a new Marina office/rental/bathroom building, a new sewage lift station, and a new fuel system.
  • 2022: The Town of Frisco completed the Frisco Bay Landing building, whick includes new retail, gathering, and office space.

Marina Funding

The Frisco Bay Marina operates as an enterprise fund to account for the operations and maintenance of the marina. The major sources of revenue for this fund comes from boat rentals (53%), slips and moorings (16%), kayak rack rentals (4%), and storage (3%).

Ordinance 19-01 was passed on second reading by the Frisco Town Council on January 22, 2019 to authorize the issuance by the Town of Frisco, acting by and through its Frisco Bay Marina enterprise, of Marina enterprise revenue bonds, Series 2019, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $6,000,000, for the purpose of financing the construction of certain capital improvements to the Marina facilities.

The Marina Master Planning Process

How Did The Community Get to a Marina Master Plan?

As the result of a RFP process, the Town of Frisco hired Logan Simpson to lead the master planning process and partner with Edgewater Resources, Fellsburg Holt Ullevig, and Alpine Ecological Services.

Data Gathering, Inventory and Analysis

  • Identify and convene an advisory group (with town staff) consisting of a variety of users including citizens, stakeholders, staff, concessionaires, etc.
  • Host kick‐off meeting and follow-up with advisory group and consultant team to confirm process, goals, roles and responsibilities.
  • Conduct stakeholder interviews to gain insights including needs, desires, strengths, challenges and opportunities.
  • Review previous master plans and project files.
  • Evaluate and review current uses and programming spaces.
  • Perform GIS mapping: Inventory of grounds, facilities, docks, racks, concessionaire areas, parking lots, restrooms, park facilities, bike path and future trails, natural resource/wetland areas, downtown, marina entrance, etc.
  • Become familiar with other related plans such as the 2017 Frisco Trails Master Plan, Frisco Community Plan, etc.

Community Outreach

  • A robust community outreach program was executed in order to gain focused citizen participation about this important piece of land. Frisco has used “Community Conversations” as a form of outreach; engaging people through listening, input, polling, and open houses, among other strategies. An early ‘kick-off” to introduce the project, establish a vision for the site, further gain citizen insights and goals regarding needs, desires, strengths, challenges and opportunities is expected.
  • Follow-up outreach after initial planning and final phases will continue.
Community Meetings During the Master Planning Process
  • 1st Community Conversation on February 8, 2018
  • The Frisco Bay Marina Master Plan Community Survey was closed on March 30, 2018.
  • 2nd Community Conversation on April 12, 2018
  • Marina Master Plan Adopted by Council on June 26, 2018


  • Planning the waterfront for access, habitat improvement, recreation, open space/wetland enhancements, economic development, protecting scenic vistas and quality, coordination with the regional recreation pathway and local trails and connectivity throughout Town, and coordination with the Denver Reservoir Recreation Committee.
  • Allocation of land uses, including specifics on the “Big Dig” and integration of the office/retail/restroom space. This needs to take into account the growth potential of the area and the community’s desired growth of the marina.
  • Recommendations for improvements, renovations, replacement, or addition of amenities/facilities, open areas, picnic areas, play areas, parking, kayak racks, rowing boat racks, and other uses and facilities.
  • Evaluation of parking needs, locations, new or revised parking to support marina and parking demands of nearby Main Street. Evaluation of the existing land uses such as boat and trailer storage, tenant parking, kayak and rowing boat racks/storage, and suggestions for any relocations to achieve the goals and vision for the marina park.
  • Develop conceptual site plans for different uses.
  • Evaluate and document site constraints.
  • Work with Denver Water Board to ensure compatibility with current and future uses of Denver Water Board lands.

Master Plan

A final master plan document with text, images and mapping was produced. The plan assesses the current conditions and uses and makes recommendations for future projects. The plan includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Maps – current and future land use allocations for operations, trails, pathways, parking, storage, recreation and services.
  • Analysis and description of marina needs, issues and opportunities.
  • A formalized plan with maps, images and details for the “Big Dig” project that will include uses for the excavated materials, redevelopment of area(s), new land uses, parking, traffic flow, etc.
  • Summary and documentation of citizen outreach meetings and inputs.
  • Implementation matrix of priority projects and estimate of probable construction costs.
  • Recommendations for future funding assistance including grants.