The Town of Frisco has a 24-hour Short-Term Rental complaint hotline with GovOS/Munirevs to report non-emergency issues such as parking, noise, trash or occupancy-limit violations, or to report a suspected unregistered short-term rental property- 970-432-8291.
Complaints must be made via phone at 970-432-8291 to get an immediate response, and any supporting documents, photos, audio reportings, or videos of short-term rental violations may be uploaded using the button below. Complaints should not be filed using this link.
When you are submitting a short-term rental complaint, you should be prepared to provide your name, phone number, and email so we can follow up with you; this information will not be provided to the STR owner during this response process. You should also have the address you are calling about and a detailed description of the issue. Supporting documents, photos, audio reportings, or videos may also be submitted using the button above.
Host Compliance will contact the 24/7 emergency contact for the specified property. The 24/7 emergency contact will then have 60 minutes to respond and inform GovOS/MuniRevs of the planned resolution. Your report is also sent to the short-term rental staff at the Town of Frisco via email only. Someone from the Town of Frisco short-term rental staff will follow up with you within five business days using the contact information that you provided.
If the issue needs immediate action and would benefit from contact with the Frisco Police Department but is not an emergency, then we also encourage you to contact the Town of Frisco non-emergency police dispatch at 970-668-8600.
If a situation seems dangerous and/or urgent, please call 911.