Town News

Frisco Seeking Two Arts and Culture Council Members

In January 2023, Frisco Town Council adopted the Frisco Five-Year Arts and Culture Strategic Plan and created a seven member Frisco Arts and Cultural Council (FACC), which was recommended by the Plan. Seven members were appointed in May 2023, and subsequently, two FACC members have resigned due to scheduling and other personal concerns. Frisco Town Council will therefore be filling two FACC seats, one seat with a three-year term and one seat with a one-year term.

The FACC is intended to bring together a group of people with divergent experiences and specialties, including creatives; historians; arts administrators; not-for-profit managers; business owners; residents-at-large; advocates for the role of the arts in the local economy; and advocates for a vibrant Frisco that embraces its art and culture character. The FACC members should be prepared to provide vision, leadership, open mindedness, creativity, curiosity, a cooperative and inclusive mindset, and active participation in implementing Frisco’s Arts and Culture Strategic Plan.

FACC Council Members, Process, and Roles

  • There are seven FACC members and one Town Council member, Andy Held, serving as the liaison.
  • At least, five FACC members must be residents of the Town of Frisco or owners of a business with a valid business license with the Town of Frisco. Two members of FACC may be appointed without regard to their status as residents or business owners in Frisco. All five remaining members of the FACC currently are business owners and/or residents.
  • FACC members shall serve three-year terms but the terms of each of the initial members of the FACC shall be staggered as follows in order to ensure that no more than three members’ terms expire in any one year, and to ensure ample opportunity for diverse individuals to serve as a member of the FACC: initially three members shall be appointed for a term of three years, two members shall be appointed to serve a term of two years, and two members shall be appointed to serve for one year.
  • The FACC has been meeting twice monthly for 1 ½ hours to solidify the Council and programs, and it is anticipated that meetings will be scheduled once a month once the group and programs are better established.
  • The Town of Frisco staff, in consultation with the FACC, is empowered to make decisions regarding public art acquisitions within the proposed yearly budget, which is $75,000 in 2023.
  • The FACC is supported by two Town staff members who act as resources and conduits between the FACC, other Town staff, and Town Council.

Applying to be on the FACC

  • FACC members will be selected and appointed by Frisco Town Council through an application process.
  • Applications for these two FACC vacancies will be accepted through 4:00 pm on Friday, July 28, 2023 at

More information about the FACC may be found at or by contacting Vanessa Agee, Communications Director and one of the staff liaisons to the FACC, at or 970-668-9120.